San Joaquin Genealogical Society

Meetings and Activities

Regular Membership Meetings

January through May and September through November
Third Thursday of the month
Meetings are held on Zoom, or hybrid (in-person and on Zoom)
  Fall 2024 Schedule
Sep. 19:  Cindy Brennan -- Finding Your Railroad Ties
Oct. 17: Melinda Kashuba -- Strategies for Researching Your Ancestors (Includes a Case Study involving Salem Witch Trials)
Nov. 15: John Reynolds -- Memories of French Camp (in person)
No December Meeting

Each meeting begins with a short welcome and announcements, followed by a genealogy related program and question and answer period. Short business meetings are occasionally part of the agenda. In-person meetings are open members and their guests and members of the general public interested in learning more about the society. For information on how to join an upcoming Zoom meeting, email

SJGS does not meet in July, August or December.

Special Interest Groups

Our Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are open to SJGS members only; they meet monthly at times and locations decided upon by their members. Our current SIGs are:

  • British Isles Research
  • DNA
  • Tennessee Research

If you're interested in forming or participating in one or more SIGs, please send an email to

Library Genealogy Research Assistance

SJGS volunteers are available at the Caesar Chavez Central Library in Stockton on the first and last Tuesday of each month from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. We provide genealogical training and assistance to our members and local residents who are researching their roots in California, the United States, and worldwide. 

SJGS Newsletter

The society produces a monthly e-newsletter with information about society activities and events, as well as articles about genealogy research and more. The newsletter is a benefit of membership in SJGS.